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What is a SHAC?
It is a committee of Clyde CISD school employees, parents, students, and members of the Clyde community that meet to discuss Health Education (including Sexuality Education), Physical Education, Nutrition Services, Staff Health Promotion, and other topics as they relate to school health. 
Click HERE
 for CCISD SHAC Bylaws.


While using creative solutions and incorporating the unique values of our community, Clyde C.I.S.D. will create an environment where all students will learn life-long positive health behaviors.


The mission of the School Health Advisory Council is to promote healthy lifestyles among the students of Clyde C.I.S.D. through the Coordinated School Health Program.


Clyde CISD School Health Advisory Council Goals:
To advance student health, reduce childhood obesity, and promote the general wellness of all students through nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities.
To promote staff wellness through education and a variety of fitness related activities.
To advocate parent and community partnerships as we encourage healthy lifestyles for our students.


Physical Education at Clyde CISD
Clyde CISD requires students in Kindergarten through 5th grade to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes throughout the school year or a minimum of 135 minutes a week. Students in grades 6-8 are to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes for at least four semesters.

 Assessment and Evaluation: 

  • FitnessGram will be performed for all students 3rd - 12th grade who are enrolled in a physical education course or a course for which physical education credit is awarded. The goal for all Intermediate and Junior High School students will be to obtain the Healthy Fitness Zone in at least 3 of the 5 categories.
  • Body Mass Index will be taken for all students in PE and Athletics in grades 3-12.
  • Blood Pressure readings will be taken for all students in 2nd grade and 5th grade. Parents will be notified and include recommendations for medical assessment if the child’s blood pressure is outside recommended parameters according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. 
The District shall ensure that nutrition guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall be at least as restrictive as federal regulations and guidance and that all foods available on each campus are in accordance with the USDA Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, Smart Snacks provision.
Tobacco Policy and Penalties
Clyde CISD students are prohibited from possessing tobacco products according to the Clyde CISD Student Code of Conduct. Penalties are outlined under Discipline Management Techniques on pages 10-11 of the Student Code of Conduct. At the beginning of every year, each student and parent is required to sign an acknowledgment that they have received a copy of the Student Code of Conduct and that they understand that students will be accountable for their behavior and will be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in the Code. Furthermore, all persons are prohibited from using tobacco products on school property. Employees of Clyde CISD are prohibited from using tobacco products at school-sponsored events.


Wellness Plan

Human Sexuality Instruction

Vision Statement: Clyde CISD will empower successful leaders for the challenges of the future.
Mission Statement: T.E.A.M.  -  Teaching, Encouraging, Achieving, Motivating

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