VISION STATEMENT: Clyde CISD will empower successful leaders for the challenges of the future.
MISSION STATEMENT: T.E.A.M. Teaching, Encouraging, Achieving, Motivating
We believe all students are capable of success.
- We will provide a safe, secure and challenging environment.
- We will value individual student growth in all areas.
- We will value each employee and student’s educational growth and learning.
We believe in making student-driven and data-informed decisions.
- We commit to putting the whole child first.
- We will consider multiple sources of data when making decisions.
We believe EVERYONE has leadership capabilities.
- We commit to instilling the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in our students and staff.
- We will foster leadership opportunities for students, staff, parents, and community.
We believe parent/guardian participation and community collaboration are essential.
- We commit to improve educational outcomes by engaging in collaborative relationships.