Information on Staphylococcal Infections:
What is Staphylococcal Infection?
Staphylococcus aureus commonly causes boils as well as more serious conditions such as pneumonia or bloodstream infections. Most infections occur when the staph bacteria enter through a break in the skin (cut or scrape) or when broken skin touches inanimate objects (such as clothing, athletic equipment or furniture) soiled with draining wounds. The bacterium is not carried through the air and is not found in dirt or mud.
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
MRSA, unlike a common Staphylococcus aureus infection, cannot be treated with methicillin-related antibiotics (such as penicillin). At first, MRSA was limited to hospitals and long-term care facilities such as nursing homes. In the past few years, some reports of MRSA, not associated with the medical setting, have been confirmed. MRSA outbreaks associated with sports teams have been reported since 2002. These outbreaks have included wrestling, volleyball, and most frequently, football teams.
· Hand washing is the single most important behavior in the prevention of infectious disease. Proper hand washing involves the use of soap and warm water for at least 15 seconds. An alcohol-base hand gel may be used when hand-washing facilities are not available.
· Hand washing should be performed after sneezing, blowing, or touching one’s nose, using the toilet, and before eating.
· Shower with soap and water as soon as possible after direct contact sports.
· Do not share personal items such as clothing, towels, soap, razors or deodorant.
· Wash towels, uniforms, work-out clothing in hot water and dry on the hottest possible cycle.
Wound Care:
· Treat any draining wound as a potential MRSA infection and seek medical attention immediately.
· Keep all draining wounds covered.
· Avoid direct contact with others until the wound is no longer draining.
· Wash your hands frequently, especially after changing bandages.
· Dispose of bandages in a separate plastic bag.
· Take ALL medication the doctor prescribes.
What Clyde CISD is doing:
· We are educating our faculty, staff, and students about the prevention and treatment of MRSA infections.
· Athletic facilities and equipment are being cleaned on a daily basis with MRSA effective disinfecting solutions.
· Athletic uniforms and towels are recommended to be laundered daily. High School football uniforms are laundered daily at school.
· Persons with a draining infection are being referred for an evaluation by their physician.
· Infected persons will be restricted, as directed by a physician, from activities that might bring the drainage into contact with other persons, such as in contact sports.
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